Building a Panel Dashboard with Snowpark for Python

Snowflake for data scientists

Sophia Yang, Ph.D.
Towards Data Science


Data scientists often use SQL to interact with a data warehouse, but then often rely on Python for data discovery, visualization, and modeling. How great would it be if we can interact with a data warehouse directly with our preferred tools in Python? Snowflake now natively supports Python with Snowpark for Python. It enables us data scientists to code in Python while enjoying the same security, performance, governance, and manageability benefits Snowflake has to offer. With this tool, I can interact with my data warehouse, visualize data, and even build and deploy models back to my data warehouse directly all in Python. To understand what is in the database, one of the first steps is to visualize your data. In this article, I will show you how I create this Panel dashboard to meaningfully visualize the 5 million data points from a Snowflake dataset.

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What is Snowpark for Python?

Snowpark for Python allows data scientists to write our familiar Python code and translate Python back to SQL in Snowflake. With its partnership with Anaconda, we can use all the secure and well-curated Python packages for Snowpark. Snowflake even has its own Python package repository in Anaconda:



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